


jumo earrings Martina


outfit Jumo Martina, shown in royal, new release! thank you June ❤

outfit includes earrings, which I am not wearing, showing them seperate in picture taken from the outfit add by Yeriak (small picture)

jewelry Aisling Karishma Collar, septum ring, chin piercing and earrings, Karishma gacha for The Arcade

hair Tableau Vivant Sensual pack #1 rare, Editorial gacha for The Arcade

head Genesis Lab Gemma


chair and birdcage DRD Draped chair and Birdcage light, Lovenest gacha for The Arcade

Birds and leafs Anc Swallows and Wingleaf, Forget gacha for The Arcade

skull Dustbunny Flowerskull, Wanderlust gacha for The Arcade





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